Langer Hals

Tips to harmonize and enhance the characteristics of the body.
Bust and upper body:

On the torso, very often, converge the signals that can make us interesting in the eyes of the beholder. The color of the hair, its cut, the choice of the appropriate accessory and the top of the dress we wear help us to get a winning image. Obviously, every aspect must be evaluated in relation to the physical characteristics. Some might ask: What if a person has so many particularities put together? Not bad: In that case it is necessary to invent, with intelligence and irony, a cocktail of image to your liking.
Long neck
The long neck, sometimes erroneously, is considered a defect. In reality it is a sign of class, elegance and, if you like, style. Here is what to choose and what to avoid according to its shape.
Highlight your eyebrows.
Make-up your eyes in bold, dark colors.
Apply a touch of blush to cheekbones.
Make-up your lips with clear, bright lipstick.
If your hair is straight:
Medium cut with light-coloured locks that reach the shoulders.
If your hair is wavy:
Light dyes and a scaled cut with locks that barely rest on your shoulders.
The dress and the jewel:
Yes: Light-colored dresses with Korean collars.
No: V-neck dresses.
Yes: Visible but not pendant earrings and voluminous necklaces to wear in summer wrapped around the bare neck.
No: Pendant earrings and necklaces.
The accessory:
Yes: Hats and caps that create a line of horizontality.
No: Hats and caps that create volumes or lines of verticality.
Yes: Glasses that tend to enlarge the face.
No: Glasses that give perception of reduced volume.
Yes: Foulards and scarves that break the verticality of the neck.
No: Foulards and scarves that increase the verticality of the neck.